Wednesday, April 23, 2008

USA Today

Green Eyed SunsetI have some extremely exciting news today. I checked out Strobist last night and saw a post talking about an article in USA Today about the Strobist blog. I clicked over to USA Today to read the article. I noticed there were some videos done as well to support the article. I watched to see David Hobby in action. And then, there it was. A photo of MINE! Yes, USA Today used a photo of mine to help showcase some of the photographers that read I was floored! A photo of mine in USA Today! How many amateurs can claim that. Ya, I had to brag just a little bit. I woke up my girlfriend to show her my photo was used in an article on USA Today.

Read the USA Today article (and don't forget to watch the videos)

So, now that I've had about 3 seconds of fame, so did my girlfriend. The photo was of her!


kaje said...

Awesome job!

I would have done my hair more or something if I had known that was going to be my 3 seconds of fame!

Debbie said...

WOW! Who would have know that you were so talented. hahah. You are. that's awesome.

Matt said...

I know! You'd think more people would read my blog now that I've been featured in USA Today.

Anonymous said...

Matt- Why wasn't I ever informed that you were a photographer??! Hello, I could have put you to work at the wedding! ha ha just kidding. It was so fun to see you- I'm so glad you came to the reception.

Hopefully it won't be another 6 years until I see you again!